Saturday, June 22, 2013

Preparing Students for Zombie Attacks with Glitter and Post-its

I recently put up four spiffy proposals through Donors Choose for my students. You can see them at my Donors Choose website:   Happily, Donors Choose has offered to match any funding that I get by Wednesday. Just put in the code INSPIRE. Why should you donate?

1. Taxes! A donation will provide you with a handy charity tax deduction.

2. Bare Walls. For as little as a dollar, you will receive a plethora of student thank you cards decorated in a variety of art styles (Anime, Graffiti, primitive stick figure, and more).

3. There's nothing good on Netflix anyway. It's far more entertaining to read about preparing students for Zombie attacks.

4. Bored minions. Your minions would love to sort your student fan mail (and really you shouldn't let those minions slack off).

5. Show a bunch of inner city kids that you care and believe in their dreams of attending college.

 My graduated advisory, Teenage Drama Queens, who are now in college. I am so very proud of them.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Wordle "Romeo & Juliet"

 For the last text of the year, we are reading Shakespeare's "Romeo & Juliet". This word
 cloud is composed of the 150 most used words from the play. We will be using it to discuss
 major characters and key terms.